29/06/18 Finally on the road again! After 2 months of family and friends pampering, and A LOT of visa processing (Russia, China, Mongolia, Cuba, USA, Canada), I am now on my way to Dublin for 3 days, to reach Iceland next week. Weather in Belgium has been amazing for 2 months, sun non stop and 25+ degrees. Did I really leave home for bad weather 7 years ago? Or is global warming actually a thing?
I had the chance to catchup with many friends, but also with people I haven’t seen for years, even though a few are still on my waiting list for next time. I also met with the Belgian clan I met in Australia. I am full of delicious (bad) food to get me going for a while, and had the chance check on kids I don’t see growing. I was amazed by everyone I met, you are all killing it with your families, babies, houses, jobs, plans… I will remember your positive vibes if I ever feel down. Thank you for being in my life!
Due to the visas processing time, I had to change my plans and no longer have the time to see Bulgaria, Poland or Lithuania, but Europe is easily accessible so I will find a way to go someday in the future.
Here is a summary of what happened in 2 months:
1 Mother’s day
1 holy communion
1 balloon flight
37 breakkie/lunch/dinner/bbq/drinks out
2 games night
2 visits at the hospital for vaccines
1 haircut
1 school dance show
3500 km
10 embassy visits
15 kids not too scared
3 extra kilos